About Wine's handpicked Non-Alcoholic are premium product handpicked from the Old World making country namely Germany and Spain. It is classified as non-alcoholic and not grape juice as it is gone through the fermentation process and the primary raw material which is vitis vinisfera such as Chardonnay or Cabernet Sauvignon to name a few.
The process of removing the alcohol has a few methods but the best one is the one able to maintain the characteristic without affecting when alcohol are being removed.
If you are looking for non-alcoholic that is dry, look for those with 0% sugar. This is because the overall taste would not be too sweet like a grape juice.
In addition, as it is contains no alcohol it is suitable to be taken as a health drink and can be taken anytime of the day and in any quantities deem desirable.
All selection of non-alcoholic by About Wine has 0% sugar added and 100% alcohol free and being classified as Halal as per certified.
Being 0% alcohol, it is suitable to be consumed by all walks of life be it children, pregnant mummies, even elderly and practically anyone who would like to reap the benefits without the alcohol